Diplom / Master / Bachelor Thesis: Conception and realization of an engine for the compressor of a down-hole cooling-machine, based on the electric supply by a wire-line

For managing the problem of continuous cooling of components sensitive-to-heat in down-hole tools, for the operation in hot environments, a down-hole cooling machine is being developed. For the compression of the cooling cycle an engine, based on the electrical supply by a wireline with maximal power of 200 W is required. Suitable concepts therefore shall be developed and realized.
• Engine with good efficiency
• Heat resistance up to 200 °C
• Suitable power supply and control device
• Sufficient power of ~100 W

Weitere Informationen

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit
Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Benedict Holbein, IAI, phone 0721/608-25765 (E-Mail: benedict.holbein@kit.edu)
Forschung und Entwicklung
Mechanical Engineering
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