Integration of 4D-MRI into robust treatment planning for adaptive particle therapy of pancreatic carcinoma

Magnetic resonance (MR)-guided particle therapy has been proposed as an innovative method to combine excellent-quality soft-tissue anatomical and functional imaging with high-precision radiation dose delivery. This project will investigate the potential to improve radiation treatment of pancreatic cancer by using dedicated 3D and 4D MR imaging to visualize the tumour and surrounding radiosensitive tissues in radiation treatment planning. Since relevant organs in the abdominal region are subject to breathing and filling-induced anatomical changes, their motion/deformation characteristics will be analysed and strategies for motion management will be investigated that involve time-resolved radiation dose calculation, optimization of the dose distribution to be robust against anatomical changes, the optimization of treatment delivery as well as quality assurance aspects.

Two PhD students will work on complementary aspects of the project, one in the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and one in the Medical Radiation Physics Section at OncoRay in Dresden (announced separately). Both institutions cooperate under the umbrella of the National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology (NCRO), and the students will benefit from scientific exchange between each other and the two institutions including mutual visits.

Ongoing research in the NCRO covers all major areas of photon and proton/ion beam radiation therapy, including image-guided adaptive treatment planning, radiation biology, motion mitigation and anatomical modelling, radiation detection, dedicated software and medical engineering as well as quality assurance. Both in Heidelberg and Dresden, the project is further supported by an interdisciplinary group of scientists and clinicians from radiation oncology and radiology.

Weitere Informationen

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology
Name: Frau Dr. Asja Pfaffenberger
Herr Dr. Aswin Hoffmann
Forschung und Entwicklung
In the division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, we are looking for a team player with a strong interest in research and development in radiation oncology. Formal admission requires a Master’s or equivalent degree in physics, engineering or computer science, preferably with specialization on medical radiation physics and/or MR imaging physics. Experience with scientific programming, image processing/registration, radiation measurements, or real-time control of hardware are of advantage.
Wir bieten:

• Interessanten, vielseitigen Arbeitsplatz
• Internationales Umfeld
• Vergütung nach TV-L
• Möglichkeiten zur Teilzeitarbeit
• Flexible Arbeitszeiten
• Gute Fort- und Weiterbildung

Beginn: as soon as possible
Befristung: The position is limited to 3 years and should result in a doctoral dissertation.
Bewerbungsschluss: January 11, 2016

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