Wealth effects through merger and co-operation announcements in the international banking sector

The wealth effects of international bank mergers and acquisitions is a frequently investigated research topic. Yet, the wealth effects of co-operation announcements by banks is still hardly explored. Prior empirical research shows that especially bidding banks experience significant negative stock returns when engaging in takeover transactions. In this context, co-operation agreements may be a viable alternative to
M&As for banks to expand into new markets while, at the same time, having lower levels of financial commitment. This thesis aims to investigate whether M&As or co-operation agreements are more beneficial to the shareholders of the involved institutions and what the drivers of the observed capital market reactions are.

Describe the ways in which banks can co-operate with each other nationally and internationally and what the motivation behind these co-operation agreements are.
Literature research on the wealth effects of co-operation and M&A announcements in the banking sector.
Build a comprehensive database of worldwide bank M&As and co-operation announcements.
Use the event study methodology to analyze the wealth effects of M&A and co-operation announcements.
Determine the drivers of successful M&As and co-operation agreements in the financial sector.

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Thesius Inspiration
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Dissertation
Name: Herr Thesius Kontakt
E-Mail: support1@thesius.de
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Bankwesen und Finanzdienstleistungen
Technische Universität Darmstadt

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