Implementation and Analysis of Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion Algorithms


Distributed algorithms are used in variant areas of distributed computing, such as telecommunications and distributed information systems. A distributed algorithm basically runs over many interconnected components, where each component runs a sub-algorithm of the whole one. Distributed algorithms were able to solve some standard problems in computer science, such as Mutual Exclusion: a property satisfying that at most one component can be accessing a critical section in each execution step of the algorithm.

There exist distributed algorithms whose faults may cause serious consequences, such as algorithms for air traffic controls. Such algorithms are required to be fault-tolerant: to continue working properly even with the existence of faults. A class of fault-tolerant algorithms, namely Self-Stabilizing Algorithms, satisfy that if an algorithm starts in a faulty behavior, the algorithm obtains a correct behavior after some time, and the correct behavior is never voluntarily violated. The development of such algorithms is challenging; other than the requirement to be self-stabilizing, they are required to have high speed and to use low energy.

Task Description

The mission is to implement and analyze two self-stabilizing mutual exclusion algorithms, that were developed in this department. The algorithms aim to achieve two properties: (1) performing high frequency of accessing the critical section, and (2) performing an educated selection of processes to access the critical section. The analysis will focus on how both properties can increase the availability and robustness of the algorithms to solve problems in the area of distributed computing.

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Thesius Inspiration
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit / Dissertation
Name: Herr Thesius Kontakt
Tel.: keine Nummer angegeben
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