Design and Implementation of Objects Tracking System Utilizing Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are typically comprised of a large number of battery-powered wirelessly connected sensor nodes with limited computational resources and capable of sensing one (or more) physical phenomena. A regular sensor node can be deemed as being made up of five basic units: a processor, a memory, a power supply, a radio transceiver, and one or more sensing components. Some WSNs may additionally rely on the functionality of being able to dynamically modify or control different components of a sensor subsystem.

Considering WSNs for mobile object tracking has gained much attention during recent years owing to its growing application potential for the ubiquitous society. In monitoring applications, usually a designated environment (indoor or outdoor) is supposed to be observed for a long duration, and upon detecting an event, the network needs to react by either sending an alarm to the user/application or performing an automatic operation via its actuators. Tracking mobile object(s), on the other hand, requires that the network chase the movement trajectories of the object(s) via activating nearby nodes and deactivating those far away from the target.

Task Description

The thesis should commence with scanning the literature to experience similar projects. Afterwards, a network of teloSB sensor nodes should be deployed for tracking the movements of mobile objects. Real experiments could be devoted for protecting the endangered birds in Germany through monitoring their predators. A fine-grained investigation should exploit the trade-off between reducing certain quality-of-service (QoS) measures (such as, for example latency, reliability and fidelity) to a degree still tolerable by the application and maximizing the application's lifetime.

Weitere Informationen

Thesius Inspiration
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit / Dissertation
Name: Herr Thesius Kontakt
Tel.: keine Nummer angegeben
Computer Software

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