Enhanced Grasping for Virtual Assembly Simulations

Themenvorschlag für Bachelorarbeit / Themenvorschlag für Masterarbeit

Grasping is one of the most important methods for humans to interact with the environment. In virtual reality grasping is still a big challenge. Especially optical tracking systems are limited to measure the position and orientation of the tracked objects. Hence, they cannot determine the force a user is applying while grasping a virtual object.

Your task will be to record, filter and process the raw data of a myoelectric bracelet prototype in order to determine the tone of specific muscles on a user’s forearm.
The goal of your work will be to measure the force a user is applying to his fingers while grasping a virtual object and therefore improve grasping in immersive virtual environments.

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Thesius Inspiration
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit

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