Security Analysis of Future Network Architectures

Themenvorschlag für Bachelorarbeit / Themenvorschlag für Masterarbeit
In the context of your thesis you should consider Security Analysis of Future Network Architectures.

Current Internet faces many challenges in terms of flexibility (so called IP bottleneck) as well as self-configuration, self-monitoring, and security. Several Future Internet approaches have been proposed to address these challenges including eXpressive Internetwork Architecture (XIA), Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA), Netlet-based Node Archi-tecture (NENA) and Service Oriented Network Architectures (SONATE). Still, there are many open issues in terms of security. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and discuss the security solutions of future network architectures and propose a security architecture for one of the potential future network architectural approaches based on the criteria to be specified together with the supervisor.

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Thesius Inspiration
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit
Informationstechnologie und -dienste

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