A Master/Diploma project is available to study platelet activation at the single platelet level. Platelets are key regulators of hemostasis (blood clotting). They are also involved in wound healing and inflammation, maintenance of vascular integrity, angiogenesis, response to pathogens, and the development of cancer metastases. This range of functions indicates that these cell fragments are the first line of defense against injury. As such, they are also the first cells to react to foreign materials introduced into the body as a part of medical implants. In our group, we are examining regulation of platelet activity in the context blood-biomaterial interactions with the goal of understanding how platelets react to foreign materials and in this way developing better implants and treatment strategies. Master projects are available on several topics related to platelet activation and regulation, and their interactions with biomaterials.
Weitere Informationen
- Unternehmen
- Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
- Bereich/Abteilung
- Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
- Abschlussart
- Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit
- Branche
- Bio- und Gentechnologie
- Schlagwörter
- Anforderungen
- • Chemistry/Physical Chemistry
• Physics/Biophysics, Biochemistry
• Engineering/Biongineering
• Biotechnology - Zusatzinformationen
- Dr. Ilya Reviakine
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung online unter Angabe der Stellenausschreibungsnummer IFG 03-15 an Frau Berger, Berufliche Ausbildung, Telefon 0721 608-25184.
Strong preference is given to candidates whose goal it is to pursue Doctoral studies upon completion of the Masters.
Suggested reading:
M. Leslie, Beyond Clotting: The Powers of Platelets, Science 328, 562-564, 2010. B.S. Coller, Historical perspective and future directions in platelet research, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9 374-395, 2011.
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