Combining Mass Spectrometry with Neutrons and X-rays for Studying Cell Membrane Models

Cell membranes are intricate organelles that separate inside of the cells from the outside, allowing cells to maintain a constant internal environment, and that divide cells into functional compartments. They also serve as conduits of material and information between these compartments and between the cells and the outside world.
Structurally, cell membranes are based lipid bilayers (visible in Figure 1) that exhibit complex organization and composition: they are asymmetric with respect to the distribution of lipids between the inner and the outer side of the membrane4 and contain numerous lipid species that are thought to be organized laterally. Our group has been developing model systems that mimic both the organization and composition of the actual cell membranes.5,6 They are based on solid-supported lipid bilayers (SLBs).7 The purpose of this project is to develop a system for simultaneously studying lipid organization in SLBs with neutron and X-ray reflectometry and their composition with mass spectrometry. Thus, the candidate will have a chance to learn state of the art biophysical and biochemical techniques. A particularly successful candidate may be rewarded with a trip to the Institute Laue Langevin in Grenoble for the neutron reflectometry measurements.

Weitere Informationen

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Bachelorarbeit / Masterarbeit / Diplomarbeit
Chemie und Pharmazie
Bioingenieurwesen Biochemische Techniken Biophysics Biochemistry
• Chemistry/Physical Chemistry
• Physics/Biophysics
• Engineering/Biongineering

Dr. Ilya Reviakine

This interdisciplinary project is ideal for a dedicated candidate who is interested in subsequently pursuing further studies in the areas of surface science and/or biophysics, as it encompasses surface science and lipid biophysics concepts and is likely to lead to a publication. Therefore, a strong preference is given to candidates whose goal it is to pursue Doctoral studies upon completion of the Masters.
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