PhD Position: Advanced image reconstruction algorithms for 4D X-ray microtomography of living organisms

X-ray microtomography is a powerful tool to analyze internal and otherwise invisible mechanisms in small animals. The resolution and duration of experiments with living specimens are currently limited by radiation damage. The quality of reconstruction is also significantly affected by the motion of the objects during the data acquisition. Compressed sensing theory has demonstrated the feasibility of recovering signals from the under-sampled data and, hence, opens up the possibility to reduce radiation dose. These reconstruction techniques are computationally very demanding and have, therefore, been not used for synchrotron experiments so far.

The PhD thesis is embedded within an international project that aims to develop novel instrumentation for ultrafast imaging at synchrotron light sources. To reduce radiation dose and, hence, prolong the life-time of species under investigation, new image-reconstruction and motion-compensation techniques, working fully in 3-D or 4-D, have to be proposed for selected experiments. For production, the reconstruction algorithms should be evaluated with respect to execution times on the latest computing hardware. An adequate compromise between data throughput and achievable image quality has to be found. Also, emerging parallel architectures have to be considered as possible co-processors to speed-up the reconstruction process.

Weitere Informationen

Helmholtz Gemeinschaft
Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Forschung und Entwicklung
numerical algorithms parallel algorithms Python C theory of optimization linear algebra X-ray microtomography ultrafast imaging Mathematics or Physics Computer Science
We seek applications from qualified scientists (f/m) holding a master degree (or diploma) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics. Knowledge is assumed in the field of linear algebra and mathematical theory of optimization, strong C and Python knowledge, understanding of performance constrains for parallel algorithms, and prior experience with numerical algorithms in image processing.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Vertragsdauer: befristet for 3 years

Eintrittstermin: as soon as possible

Bewerbung bis: 15.01.2015

Ansprechpartner/in für fachliche Fragen:

Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Dr. Chilingaryan, phone# +49 721 608 -26579 (email: or Dr. Kopmann, phone# +49 721 608 -24910 (email:

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