PhD Student - Biomechanics of Cancer Cells

We are studying the relationship between constitutive cell properties and their molecular-genetic basis in cancer (Gladilin et al. J Biomech 2014). The project will focus on dissecting the contribution of intermediate cytoskeletal filaments (such as vimentin, keratins and neurofilaments that are frequently overexpressed in cancer) to mechanical and structural phenotype of malignant cells using a combination of standard techniques for molecular-genetic cell perturbation, microscopic imaging and computational analysis.

Weitere Informationen

Thesius Inspiration
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum - Theoretical Bioinformatics
Bio- und Gentechnologie
Prerequisite for the PhD position is a diploma/master degree in natural sciences, bioengineering/-technology or similar with a background in cellular/molecular biology and laboratory/analytical skills. Applications should be sent preferably as a single PDF including the cover letter, CV, copies of certificates, list of publications/theses and recommendations.
Kennziffer: 123/2014

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