Securable Search on Large Scale Data using Elasticsearch

The Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a major centre for handling and long-term storage of large-scale experimental data in Europe. It provides storage and processing capabilities to several scientific experiments, e.g. in biology using single-plane illumination microscopes for imaging the development of zebra fish embryos on the cell level. In the current experimental setup the observation of a single embryo over a period of 10 hours produces up to 10 TB of image data which is stored on the LSDF. The data is managed by a repository system and enriched by different types of describing metadata. The repository system used by our communities is called KIT Data Manager. This system was especially designed for managing large-scale experimental data in science. Apart from high-performance data access, it allows to store metadata in a flexible way in relational databases and search indices, e.g. Elasticsearch offering sophisticated and specific search methods. However, as long as associated data is not published the search on metadata must be restricted to the owner and trusted partners.

Collection of requirements towards authentication and authorization for metadata search
Elaboration of possible authentication and authorization methods for Elasticsearch
Selection of one or more appropriate method(s) for a prototype implementation
Evaluation of the prototype with regards to the collected requirements
Documentation of developed software and evaluation results

Weitere Informationen

Thesius Inspiration
Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Securable Search metadata storage LSDF Large Scale Data Facility
Favoured skills: Java, RESTful Web services, Elasticsearch (Fields: master students from electronics engineering, computer science or physics engineering)

Experience gained: metadata standards, Elasticsearch, big data, and repository systems
befristet limited according to the study regulations

on appointment

Bewerbung bis: 29.03.2015
Ansprechpartner/in für fachliche Fragen:
Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Thomas Jejkal, IPE,, Phone: +49 721/608-24042; Dr. Rainer Stotzka, IPE,,

Phone: +49 721/608-24738

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