Workflow Management System for Handling Big Data

Localization Nanoscopy has made rapid progress towards routine in biophysics. The high-resolution technique is based on microscope systems of high-quality optics and description of individual molecules by optical separation. Such high-resolution microscopes are producing large volumes of data, in the range of 200 TB. Generating the final results is not a single step process, but a complicated process consisting of various interrelated steps. Currently this workflow process is carried out. The challenge is to understand, define and establish the workflow process. The workflow itself can be highly dynamic and thus it is necessary to find optimum method which is able to manage this dynamic nature. Finally the established workflow should be implemented as a proof-of-concept.
For e.g. – Data Acquisition  Data Pre-processing  Data Ingest  Data Post-processing

• Research and analyze the workflow for processing large volumes of data in the field of high-resolution microscopy.
• Research on state of the art workflow-management systems.
• Implement and integrate the proof-of-concept with KIT Data Manager.

Weitere Informationen

Thesius Inspiration
Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Forschung und Entwicklung
workflow-management high-resolution microscopy Java programming Biophysik
You have good Java programming skills, interest in building web applications with cutting-edge technologies such as Vaadin, Bootstrap.js or Angular.js.

You are a highly result-oriented person with a willingness to learn new technologies.
Eintrittstermin: By appointment

Bewerbung bis: 28.02.2015

Ansprechpartner/in für fachliche Fragen:

Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Ajinkya Prabhune, IPE, phone: +49 721 608 26032 (


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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 01.09.2014

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