A scalable storage platform for large archives of multi-dimensional meteorological data

To advance the understanding of turbulence and convection in the atmosphere, KIT designed a mobile setup, KITCube, consisting of multiple meteorological instruments surveying an atmospheric volume of about 10 km side length.
These instruments continuously produce large amounts of multi-dimensional time series data, capturing different aspects of weather situations in a variety of formats. To understand this phenomena, it is crucial to correlate measurements from different instruments with a high spatial and temporal accuracy. Hence, an advance data management and preservation system is required. Traditional relational databases have serious limitations in handling multi-dimensional data efficiently but the newly emerged family of NoSQL databases can provide a better approach by its flexible data model, low latency, simple data query and scalability.
You are expected to evaluate different database engines and find an optimal solution to handle the data produced by KITCube, be it with NoSQL database or as a hybrid system of relational and non-relational database. You should identify the standard data access patterns and benchmark the considered storage engines in each selected scenario. The reliability and scalability in the clustered environment have to be taken into account as well. The goal is to create a data storage system for KITCube to handle large archives of meteorology data. This work will be carried out in close collaboration of the IPE data management group with the IMK meteorologists.

Weitere Informationen

Thesius Inspiration
Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Informationstechnologie und -dienste
Meteorology Clustering NoSQL databases Data management
Relation model, SQL, Python. Prior knowledge of NoSQL is a plus.
Eintrittstermin: By appointment

Bewerbung bis: 28.02.2015

Ansprechpartner/in für fachliche Fragen:

Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Nicholas Tan Jerome, IPE, phone: +49 721 608 25512 (nicholas.jerome@kit.edu) or Suren Chilingaryan, IPE, phone: +49 721 608 26579 (suren.chilingaryan@kit.edu)


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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 01.09.2014

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